Creative activities for getting to know your students.

Getting to know your students: 20 strategies to transform your class

Imagine stepping into a classroom filled with students eager to learn, where each of your kids feels seen and understood. Sounds like a dream, right? It’s possible! You can create such an environment by getting to know your students’ hobbies, values, cultures, learning styles, and more. This blog post will guide you through 20 creative strategies to help you foster a strong classroom community and enhance your teaching experience.

Short Summary

  • Discover and celebrate the hobbies, values, and cultural backgrounds of students to foster an engaging learning environment.

  • Understand individual learning styles to better meet students’ needs.

  • Create a strong classroom community through team-building activities, group projects, and encouraging self-expression.

Why is it important for teachers to learn about their students?

Allowing kids to share their passions is a great strategy for getting to know your students.


Building a supportive learning environment is vital for both student and teacher success. When teachers know their students’ interests, values, and backgrounds, they can create customized lessons and activities that resonate. In fact, learning these things will help you connect with students on a deeper level, too.

So, how can you achieve this? Let’s explore some fun activities that will help you discover the unique traits of each of the students in your class.

Discovering Student Hobbies

Kids will reveal a great deal about themselves when they share their hobbies.

A student’s hobbies can provide a window into their personality and interests. This makes it super important for teachers to explore this aspect of their kids' lives. By encouraging students to share this part of themselves, you can create an environment where everyone feels valued and understood.

Here are three creative ways to help you uncover your students’ hobbies.

Host a hobby showcase

A hobby showcase offers an excellent opportunity for students to proudly share their hobbies with the class. This might involve students showing off collections, artwork, or crafts. Also, it may provide a source of entertainment for the kids. Imagine a day of exciting performances from those with a passion for music, dance, and magic.

By hosting an activity like this, you’ll allow students to express their passions and learn more about peers' interests.

Plus, it’s a really fun way for kids to kick off the school year!

Conduct a hobby survey

Another effective approach to discovering your students’ hobbies is by providing a hobby survey. Thought-provoking questions like this will help you gain insights into the interests of your children:

  • “What hobbies do you enjoy at home?”
  • “How do you spend your free time?”
  • “What activities bring you joy?”
  • "What's something you would love to do, but can't?"

Later, answers can be used to create activities tailored to their interests, making learning more enjoyable for everyone.

Create a hobby-themed bulletin board

A hobby-themed bulletin board is a fantastic way for students to share their interests with the other kids in class. Consider creating a board that looks like a collection of Instagram photos. Complete the board with pictures and captions of students’ hobbies, friends, and interests.

Alternatively, you could have different sections for various hobbies, such as reading, crafting, and sports. Adding bright colors and fun patterns will make the board more visually appealing and entice students to explore their friends’ hobbies.

Uncovering Personal Values

Engaging discussion is a great for getting to know your students!

Personal values shape who we are and how we see the world around us. By learning your students’ values, you can gain a deeper understanding of their beliefs and motivations.

In the following sections, we’ll discuss three strategies that will help you explore your students’ personal values.

Value-based storytelling

Value-based storytelling is a powerful way for students to share their values with the class. By sharing stories that reflect their beliefs, students can express their values and learn more about their peers.

To do this, provide a list of values (eg: honesty, compassion, or perseverance). Ask students to create a story that demonstrates one of those values in action. This will encourage self-expression and spark meaningful conversations about personal values among students.

Teachers can use these books about friendship for tweens to get the ball rolling if needed.

Personal value collages

Creating a personal value collage allows students to express their beliefs, interests, and priorities through a mix of pictures, words, and symbols. To make a collage that reflects their values, students can incorporate pictures of loved ones, friends, or hobbies, along with words or symbols that represent their values. This activity provides a unique way for students to explore and share their values with the class.

Group discussions on values

Group discussions on values can inspire conversations and help students explore their own beliefs. Ask questions like:

  • “What is most important to you in life?” 
  • “What do you value most in a friend?”
  • "How do you want others to think of you?"

These conversation starters will likely spark a conversation that allows students to share their perspectives and gain a deeper appreciation of their peers. Even better, this activity is sure to build a stronger community based on mutual understanding and respect.

Exploring Cultural Backgrounds

A good teacher always shines a light on the cultural differences that make students special.

Our backgrounds shape our identities and influence how we engage with the world. By exploring the cultural backgrounds of students, you can gain a broader understanding of their experiences and perspectives.

In the following sections, we’ll discuss three strategies that will help you delve into your students’ backgrounds.

Cultural heritage presentations

Presentations are an excellent way for students to share their cultural backgrounds with the class. These presentations can include:

  • Exploring traditional foods or clothing
  • Discovering family history and ancestry
  • Presenting on cultural heritage such as architecture, art, music, and traditions

By encouraging students to share their cultural backgrounds, you’ll foster an environment that celebrates diversity and promotes understanding.

Traditional food day

A traditional food day is a delicious way to learn about different cultures. Students can bring dishes from their cultural backgrounds to share with the entire class together. This allows everyone to experience new flavors and learn about the cultural origins of each dish.

Cultural artifact show-and-tell

A cultural show-and-tell offers students the chance to share artifacts that represent their family or country of origin. These artifacts can include traditional clothing, food, or music, and provide insights into various aspects of a student’s cultural background.

Understanding Learning Styles

Some students are visual learners.

Every student has a unique way of learning. Understanding individual learning styles can help you tailor your teaching methods for success.

In the following sections, we’ll discuss three ways to identify and accommodate your students’ learning styles.

Learning style surveys

Learning style surveys are a practical tool for gaining insight into how each student learns best. These surveys can help you uncover a student’s preferred learning environment, study habits, sensory preferences, and other factors that contribute to their learning style.

By understanding the unique learning styles of your students, you can create a more inclusive environment that supports every student’s growth and development.

Classroom observation

Classroom observation is an essential component of understanding learning styles. By watching your students in action, you can assess their engagement, learning preferences, and classroom behaviors. Effective methods of classroom observation include using checklists, charts, rating scales, and narrative descriptions.

By engaging with students during classroom observation, you’ll gain a more comprehensive understanding of their learning styles and needs.

Learning style discussions

Learning style discussions can help students explore and share their preferred ways of learning with their peers. An open discussion will allow students to learn from each other. Get them started with questions like:

  • "What school activities do you find most engaging?"
  • “What strategies do you use to remember information?”
  • "Which study methods work for you? Which ones don't?"

Building Classroom Community

Watching kids participate in a group activity will help you get to know your students.

A strong classroom community is essential for creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment. By fostering connections between students and encouraging collaboration, you can build a classroom where everyone feels valued and heard.

In the following sections, we’ll discuss three strategies that will help you build a vibrant classroom community.

Team-building games

Team-building games are an excellent way to help students work together and build a sense of community in the classroom. These games can range from simple icebreakers to more elaborate challenges that require problem-solving and communication skills.

By engaging students in fun and collaborative activities, you’ll foster positive relationships and create a supportive atmosphere that promotes learning.

Group projects

Group projects are an effective way to encourage collaboration and strengthen the bonds among classmates. By assigning group work, you can help them develop communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills they'll need later in life.

Moreover, group projects create a supportive atmosphere where students can learn from each other and contribute to a shared goal.

Class meetings

Class meetings provide an opportunity for students to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas in a safe and supportive environment. By conducting regular class meetings, you can help cultivate a sense of belonging and encourage open dialogue among students.

These meetings can cover a range of topics, from discussing classroom issues to celebrating achievements and milestones of one student. By fostering a strong sense of community through class meetings, you’ll create an inclusive classroom where every student feels valued.

Book club activities

Check out these book club activities for students to learn how they can bring kids together around a love for reading. 

Encouraging Self-Expression

Who doesn't love an art project?

Encouraging self-expression in the classroom can help students discover and nurture their own sense of identity. By providing opportunities for students to explore their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives, you can empower them to develop their own unique voices.

In the following subsections, we’ll discuss three strategies that will help you foster self-expression in your classroom.

Creative writing prompts

Creative writing prompts are an excellent way to encourage self-expression and help students explore their own thoughts and feelings. By providing engaging prompts each week, you can inspire students to tap into their imaginations and express themselves through writing.

Artistic expression

Artistic expression can provide students with a powerful platform to express themselves and share their unique perspectives with the world. By providing opportunities for artistic expression, you’ll help students develop their own sense of identity.

Personal goal setting

Personal goal setting is an effective way for students to reflect on their aspirations and develop a plan for success. By encouraging students to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, they can focus on their personal growth and take steps toward achieving their dreams.

Provide guidance and support as students identify their goals, align them with their values, and create an action plan to achieve success.

Ghoul School is a book for tweens that even reluctant readers will enjoy.


Throughout this blog post, we’ve explored 20 creative strategies for getting to know your students, from discovering their hobbies and values to understanding their learning styles and building a strong classroom community. By implementing these strategies, you’ll create an inclusive and supportive learning environment where students feel valued, understood, and empowered to reach their full potential. Now it’s time to take these ideas and bring them to life in your classroom, unlocking the unique potential of every student.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to get to know your students?

Getting to know your students means taking the time to learn about their individual strengths, interests, backgrounds and perspectives - all while creating an atmosphere of trust. It is an investment that pays off in the form of meaningful relationships that lead to improved learning outcomes and a better classroom experience overall.

Why is it important to get to know your students?

Getting to know your students is vital for creating a safe and welcoming learning environment. When students feel seen, understood and appreciated by their teacher, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn and participate in class.

This in turn makes for an enjoyable and enriching learning experience for everyone.

How do you get to know your students as individuals?

Developing relationships with your students is key to getting to know them as individuals. Take some time to get to know them by asking questions about their interests and backgrounds. Show genuine interest in them and celebrate their successes both in and out of the classroom.

By showing that you care, your students will trust you enough to open up to you and allow you to get to know them better.

What does it mean when teachers talk about getting to know their students?

Getting to know students means being able to provide them with the tailored guidance and support they need to be successful in the classroom. By understanding their individual strengths, goals, and potential, teachers can create an environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive.

This requires teachers to take the time to check in and to get to know their students on a personal level. They should be aware of their students’ backgrounds, interests, and learning styles. This will help them to create a site.

What are ways to get to know students?

A great way to get to know your students is by taking the time to learn about their interests, family dynamics, and backgrounds. Through conversations, field trips, and icebreaker activities, you can build relationships, create a positive learning environment, and create meaningful connections.

By implementing these activities, you can ensure your students feel comfortable and respected in the classroom.

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